Sunday 6 January 1828. Went to church. Sad and heavy sermon from Mr Paley on a text from St Luke, Chapter 3. Blessed is the Lord God of Israel who has visited and redeemed his people etc. Mr Moore came to dinner with us. He was very amiable, as he usually is. He sang two of his songs and with me several parts of Mozart's admirable Requiem. Mr. Estcourt was drawing and listening to the music.
Thomas Moore (1779-1852).
Bust held at Bath Royal Literary
and Scientific Institution.
condemns balls, comedies and parties which had previously taken place all over England, which they are trying to turn into a Chartreuse. There is nothing very brilliant in Chippenham. The room is large, but it was very badly lit, which made it look depressing. All the society of the neighbourhood was there, but the number of odd provincial characters who filled the place made them brillar oltra misura. It was here that I was convinced of the immense superiority of the English nobility over the middle class, which is an excellent example of that which is called vulgar, in the full force of the word, in manners, in appearance etc. - in general with very few exceptions. Lady Lansdowne was there, she looked like a queen! Lord Landsdowne, his son Lord Kerry, Mr. Guthrie were there, also Lady Theodosia Hall, sister of Lady de Clifford and the Misses Ricardo. I did not enjoy myself much, except in a conversation with the poet the Reverend Mr. Bowles who is full of enthusiasm and gaiety. They served us with tea at midnight. The whole thing was very shabbily done, but there is nothing very surprising in that if one remembers that it was given by the Landlady of the Angel who gives the ball and that each person paid only 6s for everything. We returned at two o'clock: in the morning. It was shocking weather, piercing cold and damp.
Tuesday 8 January. They went to Bowood to see the original drawings of Prout. Wednesday 9 January. Hard frost. We danced and waltzed the whole evening to teach Mr. Talbot some figures of the quadrilles. Miracolo!....