The journal of Amélina Petit de Billier
Amelina book cover

In 1820 Amélina Petit de Billier came from Paris to join the family of William Henry Fox Talbot in England, becoming their much-loved companion at Lacock Abbey until her death in 1876. The fascinating journals which she kept between 1820 and 1835 were later discovered in an attic in the Abbey and have now been transcribed and translated into English. The extracts selected for publication in this richly illustrated volume offer an absorbing insight into life with the Talbots, both at Lacock and on their continental travels, through the eyes of a cultivated, perceptive and by no means uncritical Parisienne.

Metcalf, S. and Wallace, T. (2012) Amelina and the Talbots at Lacock. 1st ed. Clevedon: Madeira Road Media.

Available from Madeira Road Media.