The journal of Amélina Petit de Billier

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1842 Talbot writes to Amélina

London 20 Dec. 1842
Dear Mlle. Amélina,
I hope that you have received the letter I wrote to you about ten days ago. I have made an arrangement with someone here to give him exclusive rights to take Calotype portraits in London at the cost of 10,000 Francs a year which he must pay me, otherwise I shall have the right to give this privilege to other people. In truth this agreement is not signed yet but I consider it as settled. Now it seems to me that a similar right in Paris ought to be worth half what it is worth in London and in my last letter I have put only a third, for 50,000 francs for 13 years only makes between 3 and 4,000 francs a year. That is how it seems to me at the present moment. I hope to be able to come and spend a fortnight in Paris with my mother and Horatia.
Ever yours
H. F. Talbot